There are obviously lots of things that I love regarding interiors , and I'm sure that I will say this again many times , but my favourite ( at the moment !!!! ) are shutters. Upstairs, in our house, we have solid wooden shutters and downstairs, we have plantation shutters at the windows( Note to self : must take pictures of my shutters for posts !! ) but in the following pictures , you can see that shutters are not just reserved for windows.

Just propped up against a wall . Fabulous.

A slight indulgence , this one , as I think that this could be an old door but its such a great picture I've included it.

Isn't this gorgeous ? And not just the shutters...I love this grey / Zinc look.

Long gasp of delight.......this room ......
Here they are , used in the traditional way on the outside of a house....... I don't know why but this doesn't seem to work here in the U.K.

Perhaps a bit more furniture would be a good idea here but the original shutters are wonderful.

More external shutters....these are in Tuscany.

Isn't this perfect ?

Sorry , this one is tiny but can't you imagine sitting here , warm sunshine , drink , friends....... heaven .
Ahhh......... Wisteria ......so beautiful and adds a certain something to the lovely shutters

I don't always like everything painted white and I think that the mellow finish to these shutters would have been ruined had they been painted whereas...................

.................. it works really well here . I hoped you liked that little look at shutters and , maybe if you see an old shutter looking lonely in a junk shop , don't buy it . It's mine !!!!!!!
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