Not a question one is asked very often , unless you're going for breast augmentation !!!! He he. I think that a lot of people ( not , of course , my fellow bloggers who love interiors ) think that a chest of drawers is a chest of drawers , but , I think that the following pictures show the variety that can be found in this useful piece of furniture ( although , for me , it's just another container that I can fill up with objects I don't know what to do with !!!!!! )
I love this one. I wouldn't mind having a go at trying to achieve this paint finish myself.
Simple but effective.
We always need lots of storage in the bathroom. Unfortunately, I can't get one this size in my bathroom , probably a good thing as I'd just fill it up with things to make me look younger that won't make me look younger and cost a fortune !!!!
Drops mouth open wide and salivates !!!!!!
I think that this is so pretty and would look lovely in a bedroom ( to put all of the clothes in that I can't throw away but never wear !!!!
I think that you all might know what I would say about this one if you have read the above !!

This has got nothing to do with chest of drawers but I have just bought these boots and they have just come , this morning. What do you think ? I love them. They have leather on the shoe part and canvas uppers so you can wear them in the summer. Not sure if I can wear them on my holiday on the Amalfi coast though !!

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