JOHN KEATS 1795-1821

What beautiful colours and textures, Autumn brings us. I love the tradition of seasonal wreaths on the front of the house. We don't do this in the U.K. but I think that I will start the trend!!!! We do have wreaths on the front door at Christmas but not at other times of the year, which is a shame as they look so beautiful and celebrate the seasons.

Acorns and hydrangea.

The beautiful colours of the foliage that can be pressed in an old book and framed.
Don't you just love seeing a spiders web, hanging with the morning dew, on a cold and crisp Autumn morning ?

Don't you just love seeing a spiders web, hanging with the morning dew, on a cold and crisp Autumn morning ?

Seed heads of the Maple that are sent spinning to the ground, to start the growth of a new Maple tree.
The Hydrangea head, drying on the plant and, as Autumn progresses, becomes skeletal in appearance.

The Hydrangea head, drying on the plant and, as Autumn progresses, becomes skeletal in appearance.
Pumpkin pie, garnished with cranberries ...... what could be more comforting on an Autumn evening, with maybe a large dollop of cream........ Mmm, Mmm.

Beautiful white pumpkins much prettier than the orange ones.
Apples on the ground, fallen from the tree........ ready to be gathered up to eat as they are or to be turned into warm apple pie or an apple and blackberry crumble....... don't forget that dollop of thick double cream.

A beautiful, Autumnal table setting....set off with an arrangement of courgette flowers.

Apples on the ground, fallen from the tree........ ready to be gathered up to eat as they are or to be turned into warm apple pie or an apple and blackberry crumble....... don't forget that dollop of thick double cream.

A beautiful, Autumnal table setting....set off with an arrangement of courgette flowers.
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