HOW LUCKY AM I ?.......... I have been sent a gift from a fellow blogger and have won two giveaways !!!!
First of all, I came across a most beautiful blog called 'Feelings' . It is written by Luiza from Sweden and I was one of the first to follow her. She is a wonderful photographer and she makes the most beautiful things .......... imagine .......... Swedish (good start !), clever at making things (great!) and is a brilliant photographer (fantastic!)........... what more can you ask of a blog.
Anyway, Luiza said that she wanted to send me a gift and this is what she sent me. Isn't it wonderful? I can't tell you how much I love it and I will give it pride of place in my home. Thank you so much, Luiza.

Now the giveaways.......... I came across another blog, as you do, written by Kimberly, called Boardinghouse.
Well, the first post that I read was all about her Grandmother called 'Cockle Mommy' (see photo above). It was a really good read (I love hearing about peoples grandparents, don't you ?) and how they were going to have a big celebration for her 100th birthday, I didn't know about any giveaway, as I hadn't read one of the previous posts, so you can imagine my surprise when I found out that, anyone who had commented had been put in the draw, and I had won !!!! I found out that I had won a favour from the party and had no idea what to expect, so you can imagine how delighted I was when I received 'this' in the post ....................
Isn't it pretty, and doesn't it just match my dining room beautifully so thank you so much, Kimberly and HAPPY ONE HUNDRED BIRTHDAY COCKLE MOMMY !!!!

Now, my second giveaway came via The Magpie's Fancy and Gigi. Another wonderful photographer, poet and collector . She lives on an island off of Portland, and writes and takes photographs of her surroundings ....well, she had a giveaway and her cat, Scout, picked my name out ... how lucky am I ? ............ and this is what the postman brought to my door..........

First of all, weren't they wrapped beautifully ?.......... There was a book of poems, written by Gigi, a sketch book, some coloured pencils, some stickable notes that are so pretty and some sea glass and shells that she had collected from the beach..... what a hoard and so personal .....I love them all, Gigi.

First of all, weren't they wrapped beautifully ?.......... There was a book of poems, written by Gigi, a sketch book, some coloured pencils, some stickable notes that are so pretty and some sea glass and shells that she had collected from the beach..... what a hoard and so personal .....I love them all, Gigi.
So ......... thank you all for such wonderful gifts and, everybody, go and visit their blogs because they are all beautiful, interesting and well worth a look and, don't forget to enter giveaways 'cos, if I can win, so can you.
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