I was also given the Kreativ Blogger Award by the lovely Mimi @ Bonjour Romance and from Clarity @ Clarity in Wonderland both of whom have wonderful blogs.
Well, a long, long time ago, I was kindly given quite a few awards and, on my last post, thanked two of the lovely girls who so kindly bestowed these on me. But my crime was that, two other such lovely ladies did the same thing and I forgot them !! Left them out !! Treated them like dirt!! Didn't mention their names or their blogs .... and now I will be thrown to the blogging dogs , sent to Coventry and cut off without a follower to my name !!
I will try and make amends and thank them all now..........

Mimi shows us around Paris, where she lives, with such style and elegance and you will want to jump on a plane or a train and get to Paris as quickly as you can because her photographs are a joy.......... and Clarity just takes you inside yourself and makes you think, ponder and reflect with her beautiful words and contemplations.
Then, I was given the Sunshine award from two other wonderful bloggers. First from Pam @ Red Ticking and then from the lovely Jeanne @ Collage of Life . Pam has the most wonderful blog full of the most delicious furniture and home furnishings you ever did see. I could have each and every piece that she shows, in my home. It is gorgeous..... and Jeanne is an expat, living here in the U.K. after living in New Zealand, Australia and the States. Her blog is filled with interiors, fashion, cooking, books....... oh, everything you can think of and she is so kind and loyal, always giving lovely comments...... oh, and by the way, she is having a giveaway at the moment, so pop over and see her, comment and you could win a terrific prize.
............ and then, I was given the 5 Diamonds Award by Julie @ Being Ruby

and by Luiza @ Luiza's Feeling's
If any of you have been reading my blog for a while, you will know that Julie and I are great blogging buddies. Julie's was one of the first blog's that I came across and we have been friend's ever since. Her blog, Being Ruby, is an absolute joy, filled with her beautiful photographs and wonderful text. Luiza is a lovely Swedish girl from Stockholm and, as soon as Sweden is mentioned, then you can tell it's going to be a fantastic blog. Filled with her clever photography and lovely things that she makes, it is a lovely place to go.
If any of you have been reading my blog for a while, you will know that Julie and I are great blogging buddies. Julie's was one of the first blog's that I came across and we have been friend's ever since. Her blog, Being Ruby, is an absolute joy, filled with her beautiful photographs and wonderful text. Luiza is a lovely Swedish girl from Stockholm and, as soon as Sweden is mentioned, then you can tell it's going to be a fantastic blog. Filled with her clever photography and lovely things that she makes, it is a lovely place to go.
Many thanks to you all for giving me these awards and, if you don't want to disown me or throw me into the fires of Hell, for my tardiness, then I'm most grateful and I will try to be better in the future !!
I'm supposed to pass these awards on but, as this post has taken me forever and I want to get it up so you all know how sorry I am, I will pass them on later.
Have a rewarding weekend !!!!