Thursday, November 19, 2009


Sitting amongst the fallen autumn harvest of windfall apples the other day, I was reminded of cockney rhyming slang. To explain....a Cockney is someone who is born within the sound of Bow Bells in East London. I think that, maybe, some of you have heard of Cockney rhyming slang. Apples and pears means stairs. Brown bread - dead.......Boat race - face....... Dog and bone - phone ........ Frog and toad - road ......... Plates of meat - feet ......... Trouble and strife - wife and there are many, many more. So, today we are talking about the good old apples and pears - stairs. .......... and how about these for a set of stairs. You do feel a bit dizzy when you get to the top. My friend has a spiral staircase and it's not something to attempt after a glass of wine.....or two !!

That plant reminds me of the plant that is dying when E.T. is dying and then it comes back to life when E.T. starts to get better.......... a lovely old staircase.

A beautiful blank canvass, ready for someone to bring it to life.

I love a collection of pictures on a staircase.

See ..... I told you that spiral staircases make you dizzy. She has had to stop for a while to try and get her centre of gravity back !!

Now, forgive me for repeating myself. This is obviously the same photograph as the earlier one but I didn't realise as this one is much 'whiter' than the other version and it has been taken at a different angle. Someone was obviously playing with photoshop and it has messed up my post, because I thought that they were different staircases !!! Oh, never mind, have another look at is a lovely room. It deserves a second look.

More pictures up the stairs....looks good, doesn't it ?

This one just makes it into the 'Apples and Pears' post. You can just see the stairs in the bottom left hand corner. What a gorgeous open plan house.

Well, I'm off up the apples and pears to my Uncle Ted with a nice cup of rosy lee.
Nite nite.

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