I thought that, with all of the talk about my top hat , I should show you all a photograph of me wearing it. The camera is in front of my face to hide the saggy jowls that are heading south !!!!
haha. You can now give me your opinions as to whether
Waitrose Supermarket is ready for it, and me, to be seen, pushing a trolley down the aisle !! As you will see from
the following, I am in very good company when it comes to the wearing of the posh head attire, although, I don't think that they would have been seen, doing their weekly shop, with their top hat on !!..........

Nadja Auermann for Vogue U.S. September 1992 ..........
Oh, Dustjacket Attic..... I'm not tryting to steal your glory !!

.......... Marlene Dietrich, 1930 ..........

.......... Fred Astaire ..........

.......... Madonna ..........

.......... perhaps, I should stop wearing it and turn it into a lampshade,

.......... Alice ..........

.......... and, me again. Well, what do you reckon ? My children would disown me if I dared to do the shopping in it !! Maybe it should stay in the hat box until there is a grand enough occasion to wear it ? Maybe I should have auditioned for Alice in Wonderland ?.......... or, maybe I should just grow up !!!!!!!!!!
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