This is the tale of a beautiful castle, with lovely interiors !! and a princess who lived there.
Gather round, everybody and I will tell you a tale of a Princess.Are you all sitting comfortably ? Then I'll begin.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. Last night, she had been out to a 'right old shindig' !!!!!!.
She had hung up her dress and had fallen into bed at a very late hour.
It was late when she awoke and she jumped out of bed. There were many chores to be done. She may be a princess, but in this day and age, one had to pull ones weight !!
She lingered a while at the open window and breathed in the wonderful fresh air. Then. she remembered. She had left one of her glass slippers at the rave !!!!!
This made her cross, as now she would have to go and get it, as they had been a present from her father, the King, and he would never forgive her, as they had cost a princely sum.
Louboutin didn't come cheap and the Royal Purse was suffering a bit because of the recession !!!!

She remembered now. She had lost it on the stairs as she ran for the taxi.
If she didn't find it she would turn into a white pumpkin and that would never do. Not much call for white pumpkins, nowadays, except for Halloween decorations and they were usually orange !!!!
She ran into the bathroom........

......... splashed her face with rose petal water........
..........finished her chores..........

............. locked her bedroom door........

................ hitched up her skirts...........
............ and ran down the castle staircase .......
She had a quick princess-like breakfast (never go without breakfast, even though you've lost a glass slipper !!!!)
She then ran through the kitchen.......
............... skirted round the dining room .........

............ along by the daybed in the sitting room ( no time for a read or a golden pear today).........
.................. through the lounge..........
....... passed the dress that was being made for her (Oh, how pretty she was going to look in that wonderful creation. Who cared about The Royal Purse.( Live now, pay later was her motto!! ) ......
............. through the Salon, where everyone was discussing the events of the night before, and what they might have got up to but couldn't remember !!!! ..........

Louboutin didn't come cheap and the Royal Purse was suffering a bit because of the recession !!!!

She remembered now. She had lost it on the stairs as she ran for the taxi.

......... splashed her face with rose petal water........

............. locked her bedroom door........

................ hitched up her skirts...........

............ along by the daybed in the sitting room ( no time for a read or a golden pear today).........

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