I've been tagged by A Little Bit Vintage
I have to tell you 10 things about me that you didn't know......... I could tell you that I love raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens !!!! BUT ..... we all like those, don't we, who wouldn't, so I'll tell you 10 things about me that you didn't know and that you might not want to know me after I tell you !!!!
NUMBER ONE .......... I'm a bit of a Goth really........ when you open my wardrobe, it's BLACK,BLACK and MORE BLACK. There are a few lapses ...a little touch of grey, a couple of brown items and, if I was feeling a bit out of sorts whilst clothes shopping.... a bit of pink has crept in....YUK, I can hardly bring myself to type the word.....cold shiver runs down my spine...PINK!!!!....... I know that there are many of you out there who love pink but that particular gene seems to have eluded me.
NUMBER TWO............... I love, love, love sleeping.... I can sleep anywhere....bed, sofa, car, plane, floor, mountain crevice...anywhere and at anytime...morning, noon or night. When my daughter had her appendix out, the hospital encouraged the mums to stay, so, a camp bed was set up next to my daughters bed ( she was only about 8 at the time, by the way !!). One morning, I was vaguely aware of voices. I reluctantly opened my eyes and there, around my bed were doctors, nurses and medical students, discussing my daughters operation and deciding whether or not she could go home. It was 11 a.m. and I had been asleep and snoring through all of it....embarrassing !!!!
NUMBER THREE .............. I can touch my nose with my tongue.....yes, a wonderful addition to my repertoire of entertaining young children....I have others ( all legal !! ).... it does make me look pretty vile but it is a gift that I have been blessed with and I use it whenever necessary !!!!

NUMBER FOUR ................... There are many of you out there who love a cupcake or a slice of something nice, I know. I'm not that partial to cake (lots of you can't understand that
can you ? ) BUT.... give me the cake MIXTURE and I will eat the lot ..... until I'm nearly sick...... I absolutely love it. Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream is my secret vice......mind you, you could take the ice cream away and just give me the cookie dough..... MMMmmm MMmmm !!!!
NUMBER FIVE .................... I LOVE Roller Coasters. Old fashioned wooden ones, loop the loop ones, ones with water, ones inside, ones outside....I don't care what type, I'm not fussy......I just LOVE them. I love the queuing and the anticipation, the actual ride and then the getting off and running, laughing and de briefing afterwards as you join the queue again to have another go. I love the ' I think I might die ' feeling and the wobbly legs that you get on particularly scary ones and WELL as you can tell, I really like roller coasters !!!!

NUMBER SIX .................... I like butter on biscuit-type cereals..... yes, I know it sounds weird but don't knock it 'till you've tried it ........ it's delicious. I can't remember the last time I had a weetabix with butter as, when I do have it, I have to have at least 1/2lb of butter on it so it's not very healthy...... but I urge some of you to give it a go. You wont be disappointed !!!!
NUMBER SEVEN .................... I twirl my hair. Apparently, I've done it since I had hair ( which is quite a few years !!!!) I know many people can do this, so it's not unusual. This is another skill that I have which seems to be very entertaining to little children. I can twirl it, tie a knot in it and then, MAGICALLY, make the knot disappear with just the utterance of 'ABRACADABRA' !!!!

NUMBER EIGHT .................... Another weird food fact in the 10 things you didn't know about me saga is that ....wait for it ..... I like raw potato with salt on it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know, I know, it's too horrible to think about but it's really nice. I don't eat much of this delightful delicacy....... just when I'm preparing potatoes, I might eat a little bit. My sister loves it too. Apparently, when my mum was pregnant with us, her food craving was raw potato so she obviously passed it on to us.

NUMBER NINE.................... I like driving and I like driving my car fast ( as you can see, even my car is black !!!! ) ..... but obviously not exceeding the speed limit of the road that I am driving on at the time OBVIOUSLY !!!!
And finally....... NUMBER TEN .................... Now maybe you can help me with this one....I find that, when there's a full moon (( make note to self to ask Julie @ beingruby about this !!!!) I go to sleep and the next morning I wake up and I have this definite look of evil intelligence in my eyes, a sore throat, a very dry mouth, a lot of dirt under my fingernails
and an abnormal urge to howl......strange, now what do you think that could be ???!!!!!!

NUMBER FOUR ................... There are many of you out there who love a cupcake or a slice of something nice, I know. I'm not that partial to cake (lots of you can't understand that
can you ? ) BUT.... give me the cake MIXTURE and I will eat the lot ..... until I'm nearly sick...... I absolutely love it. Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream is my secret vice......mind you, you could take the ice cream away and just give me the cookie dough..... MMMmmm MMmmm !!!!

NUMBER SIX .................... I like butter on biscuit-type cereals..... yes, I know it sounds weird but don't knock it 'till you've tried it ........ it's delicious. I can't remember the last time I had a weetabix with butter as, when I do have it, I have to have at least 1/2lb of butter on it so it's not very healthy...... but I urge some of you to give it a go. You wont be disappointed !!!!

NUMBER NINE.................... I like driving and I like driving my car fast ( as you can see, even my car is black !!!! ) ..... but obviously not exceeding the speed limit of the road that I am driving on at the time OBVIOUSLY !!!!

and an abnormal urge to howl......strange, now what do you think that could be ???!!!!!!
Well, there are my 10 things that you didn't know about me and I hope that you have a much clearer picture of what I am like !!!!! after which I hope that you will all still want to come back and visit me !!!!
Now, I'm meant to pass this tag on to 10 people, but I think that I will leave it open to any of my blogging friends who would fancy coming clean and telling us all about yourselves !!!! Seriously, I know that a lot of you are very busy and the pressure of a tag can be a bit stressful, so I'll leave it and say GO FOR IT IF YOU WANT TO.
Now, I'm meant to pass this tag on to 10 people, but I think that I will leave it open to any of my blogging friends who would fancy coming clean and telling us all about yourselves !!!! Seriously, I know that a lot of you are very busy and the pressure of a tag can be a bit stressful, so I'll leave it and say GO FOR IT IF YOU WANT TO.
Don't forget to go and visit A Little Bit Vintage. It's well worth the visit and you can learn how to make ZILLIONS of things.
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