I think that, being a blogger, we should all be allowed a little bit of poetic licence and, as this post is all about mirrors, this first picture doesn't really fit in, but it IS the most brilliant photograph and I wanted to use it .................BUT, water reflects, doesn't it , so I'm letting it in !!!!

I think that I must have at least one mirror in every room in my house, and it's not all about vanity, although I have been known to glance in them as I pass !!!! They are great for making rooms look bigger, but I just like them as they can be really pretty and a lovely addition to any room.

Isn't this a lovely little bathroom, but, that's not what we're talking about, is it ? I think that it's only lovely because of the mirrors. Take them away and it wouldn't look so good, would it ?

Now, you obviously couldn't live like this but there are a lovely selection of mirrors to choose from here. Which one would you choose out of this little lot ?

I don't normally choose photographs with people in them, but isn't this pretty ? I love the finish of the walls and the two little mirrored candle sconces.

Doesn't the mirror look good in this one, just propped up against the wall.....you don't even have to get the drill out !!!!....and look at those dear little shoes on the table. Not too sure about the light fitting but, it actually seems to go.

Oh, what a gorgeous room. Another propped up mirror and, I love the empty frame, leaning
against it....and what a great rocking horse and the lantern just fits in beautifully.

Here's another wonderful one. This room would be just as lovely without the Venetian mirror but, it just gives it some drama.

I just love the use of the
over mantle as a bedhead...now, stop it, you lot...I can hear those naughty minds working !!!!

All this is, is an old mirrored cupboard, a few old bits and pieces on top of it and you've got something beautiful and at minimal cost............ Brilliant.

We probably all put pictures up the stairs but maybe not a collection of mirrors, but it works so well.

I really like this room as it's full of
surprises and yet it remains very serene ..... look at those massive shells in the fireplace. Would you have done that ? I certainly wouldn't have thought of it , but it really is a focal point, and a nice one !!.......... and that beautiful pale, pale green works so well.

This photograph by Michael Eastman is showing us mirrors in an opulent setting which, forgive me if I'm wrong, but I don't think many of us live in a place like this !!!! If you do, could you email me...I'm due a holiday and could come and stay !!!!

You're spoilt for choice here. There are round ones, square ones, oval ones, ones with carving, etched ones, wooden ones ....I'll take one of each. !!!!

I have had this picture for ages, before I even started blogging and I think that it comes from a
Scandanavian blog. I apologise for not crediting it, but if someone is reading this post and it belongs to them, please let me know. I had to show it as it is so beautiful and, as the
Scandanavians do so well, it shows us what can be done with a few things that we have around our homes.
................... and finally, the mother of all things mirrored .....the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles.
I'll leave you with this wonderful photograph of opulence and indulgence and remember....mirrors aren't just for looking in.