O.K….. there's no getting away from it ….. I've been a very, very bad blogger lately !!!!!
I have been going round in circles as far as blogging is concerned and getting nowhere !!
I could tell you that I've been writing that novel that's in me somewhere …..
or decorating …..
Gardening ? ….. perhaps a little ….. but not any of the above really …..
There's been more idle gossipping …..
Eating …..
Drinking …..
Reading …..
Going out and about seeing friends and family and, of course …..
Grandchildren ….. ahwwwww !!
We did buy an old rusty bench and put some distressed shutters on the wall so, that's a plus !! As soon as May is over and there is no more fear of frost, I shall fill those stone urns with Euphorbia ' Diamond Frost ' which is coming on nicely in the greenhouse so, you can see that I haven't been totally idle !!
I hope that mine will look like the above !
I think that I'm back to my old blogging self now so please forgive my lack of posts and comments and I hope that you are all still out there !
Can you just say ' Hi ' so that I know you are there ?!!!!!!
image 1: via crush cul de sac, image 2: via bipbob, images 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 10: via kero i am, image 7: via picture perfect for you, image 9: via margadirube, images 11 & 12 via ME, image 13: via baltimoresun, image 14: via ladylicious, image 15: via the gifts of life

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