Trading with our own skills ….. a barter system. This is the subject for our January 2015 By Invitation post, suggested by Coty
If the world's currency ceased as we know it, and we had to barter, what would our immediate skills be …..
Well, I guess that we would all find it difficult.
I'm not going to pretend that I'd turn into Wonder Woman and be baking up a storm …..
….. or suddenly becoming exceptionally skilled at whittling wood but, I'm sure that I'd get by….. I'm pretty capable ! Once we've had the privilege of modern technology, it's so much harder to go back, isn't it ? Only this Saturday, our Sky dish connections came loose, due to high winds and, as much as it didn't ruin our life, it was annoying that we couldn't watch the things that we like to watch, only because we are used to having that particular facility…… if we'd never had it, we wouldn't miss it …… and it was only off for a couple of days !!!!!
SO ….. what skills could I barter with ? ….. perhaps a bit of decorating …..
….. take in ironing ? …..
….. walk dogs ? …..
….. £1 a kiss ? …..
or, last resort ….. sell my body !!!!!
I think that, maybe, I'd send my husband out to bring the money in !!!!!
Let's wave the magic wand and get back to 2015. As much as we can play at going back to basics, we all like our modern comforts and, once they are here, we all embrace them !!!
What bartering skills have you got ?
For more bartering ideas, Marsha has all of the links.
images 1, 5, 7, 9 & 10 : via margadirube, image 2 & 4: via kero i am, image 3: via dornob, image 6: via inspiration lane, image 8: via la bonne vie

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