I am now in my sixth year of blogging and, I'm wondering whether to start replying to the lovely comments that you all leave. I never really gave it much thought until I realised that many of the blogs that I read reply to their comments.
I am now thinking that I have been rather rude over the past five years ….. if you can take the time to leave me a comment, then, out of courtesy, it seems right that I should reply.
SO ….. shall I answer your comments from now on ?
Life might get in the way sometimes, some comments might not need a reply and, I can't guarantee that I shall have a 100% record.
Good idea ….. bad idea ? Do you reply to comments or not …… why do you….. why don't you ?
video from youtube, images in collage via: we heart it, zsa zsa bellagio, brown dress with white dots and night tattoo, last image : via crush cul de sac

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