Our ' By Invitation' subject this month is either ' What's Wrong With the World' OR 'What's Right With the World'. I obviously know that there are a zillion things wrong with the world but, being a glass half full to positively overflowing kinda gal, here are a few images as to why I think that there are quite a few things that are pretty right with the world ..........
random acts of kindness ....
Love ....
and passion ....
friendship ....
twirling ....
dancing ....
chivalry ....
joy ....
wildlife ....
new life ....
All of the above are free, so, even in these difficult times, the world isn't too bad a place to be..........
and one more thing that makes the world wonderful to me ( as well as the rest of my family of course) is our grandson, shown here below .....
and one more thing that makes the world wonderful to me ( as well as the rest of my family of course) is our grandson, shown here below .....
......... all he needs is a brown luggage label with his name pinned to him and he would look like an evacuee from the war !!!! ..... bless his cotton socks.
For more views about the world, good and bad, pop over to Splenderosa where Marsha has all of the links to the contributors.
image 1: via ayshfi, images 2, 7 & 11: via night tattoo, images 3, 6, 8 & 12: via zsa zsa bellagio, images 4, 5 & 10: via an exquisite waste of time, image 9: via encore life, image 13: via pretty stuff, image 14: via inked ideas

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