..... an ancient legend .....
In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy .....
MERLIN ..... the young wizard goes to live with his Mother's old friend Gaius, Camelot's greatest physician. Merlin hopes to find a way to use his powers for good but finds that King Uther, ruler of Camelot, has banned magic and executes anyone found practicing it. Merlin saves the life of Prince Arthur, Uther's son, from an evil witch and is rewarded with a position as Arthur's servant. Merlin also encounters the Great Dragon who prophesies that Arthur will someday create the fair and just kingdom of Albion and protects Merlin. Merlin must use magic to combat magical enemies while keeping his true nature a secret.
12th Century .....
CAMELOT ..... The castle and court of the legendary King Arthur. Located somewhere in Great Britain, it stands along a river, surrounded by plains and forests.
21st Century .....
12th Century .....
21st Century .....
12th Century .....
21st Century .....
12th Century .....
ARTHUR ..... the young crowned Prince and heir to Uther's throne who feels the future of Camelot on his shoulders .....
12th Century ....
21st Century .....
12th Century .....
21st Century .....
12th Century .....
GUINEVERE ..... The daughter of the blacksmith of the lower town who was wrongly killed for practicing magic, Guinevere works as maid to Lady Morgana. She knows that she can rely on Merlin for anything. She comes to realise she has strong feelings for Arthur and also has a bond with Lancelot, the handsome would-be knight.
21st Century .....
Keira Knightley .....
12th Century .....
MORGANA : Uther's ward, Morgana is both soft and steely, capable of towering rage or profound compassion. She starts to worry whether she possesses that attribute that Uther hates and fears most .... MAGIC.
21st Century .....
12th Century .....
SIR GWAINE ..... Knight and prominent member of the Round Table.
21st Century .....
12th Century .....
KILGHARRAH ..... The Great Dragon who possesses a magic of his own and knows that Merlin must help and protect Arthur.
21st Century !!?!!! .....
12th Century .....
MORGAUSE ..... half sister to Morgana.
21st Century .....
12th Century .....
PERCIVAL ..... Knight of Camelot and a gentle giant, loyal ally of Arthur.
21st Century .....
12th Century .....
GAIUS ..... The Court Physician and Merlin's guardian and mentor. He soon discovers that Merlin has magical powers ..... he himself used to practice sorcery.
21st Century .....
Dynamo ..... magician impossible.
12th Century .....
21st Century .....
WILL and KATE .....
So, it seems, we have a little of our own Camelot, right here and now in 2013 !!!! .....
I even found a dragon !!!!
BBC's Merlin is my favourite adaptation of the legendary tales of Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, Merlin and the characters of Camelot.
Please drop in on Marsha to see some magical, mystical and alternative interpretations of our subject this month.
We are having a bit of a sabbatical from 'By Invitation Only' over the summer months but 'By Invitation" will be back in September. Meanwhile, I shall continue with my sporadic and erratic posts !!!!
Spring sprang here in the UK this weekend and Mr. Home and I spent the entire Bank holiday weekend, from dawn 'till dusk, gardening ..... my first big effort in the garden this year ..... I am really suffering for it this morning ..... I didn't even know that I had muscles in those places !!!!
images 1, 15 & 23 : via black and white merlin, image 2: via fuckyeahcamelot, image 3: via the telegraph, image 4 & 9: via sevend7, image 5: via anastasia-duck, images 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 18 & 22, via pinterest, image 8: via tvtropes, image 13: via picstopin, image 14: via scopecube, image 16: via threnodyinvelvet, image 17: via allgwaine, image 19: via imageswikia, image 20: via adenoviridae, image 21: via ohnotheydidn'tlivejournal, image 24: via, image 25: via typedia, image 26: via dynamomagician, image 27: via pixmule, image 28: via huffington post, collage by me and video from youtube