Sunday, April 22, 2012

CANALS and CANNABIS .......... and, A WHOLE LOT MORE ..........

We are off to Amsterdam ...... see you all soon .
Try to have a great week without me !!!! haha !!

image via night tattoo


Sunday, April 15, 2012

AMAZING LACE ..........


 'The invention of a Goddess and the occupation of a Queen'


 'Lace is as much about the space between the threads themselves'

Lori Howe

'A grandmother's love is like beautiful lace .... a precious gift of time and love'


 'I consider lace to be one of the prettiest imitations ever made of the fantasy of nature, lace always evokes for me those incomparable designs which the branches and leaves of trees embroider across the sky, and I do not think that any invention of the human spirit could have a more graceful or precise origin'

CoCo Chanel - April 29th, 1939

 'Whatever improves the lace and makes it more beautiful is right'

Sister Judith

 'It is difficult to see why lace should be so expensive, it is mostly holes'

Mary Wilson Little

.......... to which an English costumier responded ..........
'Yes, but have you any idea how hard it is to get those holes to stick together ?'

.......... and,  finally,

Lace makers do it on pillows and usually in pairs !!!!

HA HA !!!!

Have a great week everyone.

images 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 13: via night tattoo, image 2: via ticking and toile, image 4: via love french bulldogs, image 6: via lost in the moment, images 8 & 11: via umla, images 10 & 14: via zsa zsa bellagio, image 12: via inspiration Lane


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

THE GARDEN .... A METAPHOR FOR LIFE .... by invitation ..........

The garden is an eloquent metaphor for how we move through life ..........

Life can be seen as a garden maze, sometimes the hedges are too tall to see over or, too thick to see through, with no way of knowing what lies ahead or around the corner. There is a beginning and an end but, there is also a whole lot of middle !

We need to remove the weeds from our lives .....

..... to allow the beautiful blooms space to breathe and grow. The beauty of life can be lost amongst the mundane 'weeds' of life. Stress and negativity can sometimes take over and the beauty of life can get lost.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, be it in life or in the garden. Some people like their gardens simple, as they do their lives, others like to take risks and try to grow the difficult, non-hardy plants.

As plants need support, so do we and life is always easier when there are people in our life who are there to support and help us.

When things are dark and difficult, we must try to persevere and push through.

Giving our time and hard work, will bring it's rewards .... we reap what we sow.

Put your heart and soul into everything that you do.

Take the time to smell the roses.

Each new day brings a little sunshine ....

but, we also need the rain to flourish and grow.

We cultivate our relationships like we grow flowers and vegetables ..... flowering, growing and producing.

Both bring new life into the world .....

We find pleasure and relaxation in both .....

'To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves'.


Please pop over to Marsha @ Splenderosa to see the other participants take on our subject this month.

images 1 & 2: via Rodney Smith, images 3, 4, 5, 6 & 9: via night tattoo, image 7: via brown dress with white dots, image 8: via love french bulldogs, image 10: via tumblr, image 11: via maggie thunder, image 12: via dustjacket attic, images 13, 16 & 18: via zsa zsa bellagio, image 14: via sunday in bed, image 15: via the vault of beauty, image 17: via chintz of darkness, image 19: via encore life
